
We can all agree that 2020 has really been one for the record books. Now, more than ever, the level of hypocrisy coming from our elected leaders to our neighbors across the street has been on prime display. 



the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.   

Quite frankly, I'm sick of it. 

If "All Lives Matter," where is your outrage when: 

  • Migrants are kept in cages at the border
  • Innocent people are put to death in our prison system
  • A court denies an appeal to end the life sentence of a man (who has already served 20 years) accused of stealing hedge trimmers
  • Peaceful protesters are brutally attacked by covert federal agents
  • Thousands of individuals are dying daily due to COVID-19 but people refuse to wear a mask
  • People are insistent that children go back to school en masse this fall
If your constitutional or civil rights are being thwarted because your local or state government issues a mask mandate, then
  • You must agree that the government has no business deciding a woman's right to choose
  • That the peaceful protesters in the streets defending Black lives should be afforded the same rights as the gun-toting protesters who storm a state capital demanding that bars and nail salons be reopened
  • You must think driving laws (speed limits, seat belt laws, drinking and driving laws) are a violation too
  • You must fully support LGBTQ rights for equality and marriage

I don't know the answers, but people just need to calm the fuck down, respect one another, and do what is right for the common good. 

And for the love of God, vote this November. 


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