When You Selfishly Think You Had a Bad Day

I was feeling sorry for myself as I sat in the Admiral's Lounge, waiting for my flight home. It was a stressful week at work. I logged 76 hours in five days, and I was operating on about 2.5 hours of sleep. I was barely able to keep my eyes open while I waited. Then, something on the tarmac caught my eye. I watched and waited. 

Suddenly,  I felt really small and petty for thinking I had it so bad. 

This is what I saw. 

Quietly, and without prompting, those of us seated near the windows who saw what was happening all stood and watched in silence to show our respect for the fallen anonymous soldier. 

It was a sweltering 95 degrees outside and probably hotter on that tarmac in the stifling humidity. The soldier's comrades never faltered and carried out their honorable task with precision, surrounded by the American Airlines ground crew. 

My week was not hard. 

I am sitting in an airport lounge waiting to board my flight in my first class seat. 

This soldier lost his or her life this week. 

Somewhere a family is grieving this unimaginable loss of their father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter. 

Who was this soldier?

Did they wake up that morning with thoughts of the future? 

Were they scared as they gave the ultimate sacrifice for us? 

For strangers. 

My tears slid silently down my face and disappeared behind my mask. 

We are selfish. 
We take our freedom for granted. 
We don't appreciate the simple things anymore. 

Was this soldier a person of color, gay, or transgender, giving their life for a country that so often marginalizes them?

This soldier gave their life for strangers, yet we still have friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers who refuse to get a COVID vaccination. 

The pandemic and the delta variant rage on. Yet, so many aren't willing to do what is right to protect others. 

Like this soldier.  

Shame on all those who claim their rights are being violated and refuse to be vaccinated. 

Be honorable like this soldier.

Thank you for your service anonymous soldier. We are grateful for your patriotism and ultimate sacrifice. 

I will never forget you. ❤🇺🇸


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