What I Hate About Dogs

There is one thing I just really hate about dogs. I mean *really* hate. They never live as long as you do. And, losing your dog just sucks.

I'm losing my Bailey girl. You know it is going to happen, but you just can't prepare for it. She is almost 13, and she has a heart murmur. For the past six months, she's been losing weight, but she was still the girl who begged for treats and barked like an attack dog at the UPS driver. 

This week, I took her for her routine vaccinations, and I think it was just too much of a stress on her system. Within hours she was throwing up and extremely lethargic, by the next day, she was back at the vet on IV fluids. Her kidneys are failing. She doesn't want to eat. 

The really crazy thing is I'm crying more for Bailey than I did when I lost my dad in April. Like, I can't stop crying, and she hasn't even died yet. Honestly, a therapist would probably have a field day trying to crack my fuckedupedness. 

Check out one of my previous blogs about all the dogs I've loved before. 

Thanks 2020...You bitch.


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