Hello 2014

2013 was kind of a blur to me thanks to an extremely hectic year at work. I logged over 43,000 travel miles in a little over six months, I worked the equivalent of 17 months, and spent the equivalent of 3 full months away from home. What's that quote? They were the best of times, they were the worst of times. 

Needless to say, I'm glad the year is over. 

I plan to get my "normal" life back in 2014. I'm lying on the couch with my girls as I type this. Truthfully, I hope to spend many more nights like this in 2014. 

As noted at the top of my blog page, I have many things to look forward to in 2014. Some of it, though, is bittersweet. My "breakfast crew" is locationally breaking up. Katie moved to Missouri in July 2013 and Liz is off to Northern Virginia in a week. Our regular Saturday/Sunday morning breakfasts at Perkins will take a little bit more coordination going forward. I'm happy for both of them as they've landed great positions with new organizations. I am selfishly missing my ability to call them at 2 pm after a shit day and say "let's go to Joseph's for half price martinis." 

Happy New Year everyone. I hope to see you all here more often. 

This was what I awoke to on this new day in the new year -- snow!


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