Dog Park

Besides my Bailey's and coffee, one of my other favorite Sunday morning rituals is a trip to the dog park. After the polar express or vortex or whatever it was we had earlier this week, it was good to get out for a little fresh air.

The only thing I dislike about the dog park is the humans. I have certain "pet" peeves every time I go.

1. The crappers - the uncool people who don't pick up their dog's poop.
2. The talkers - the people who want to become your best friend because your dog is sniffing their dog.
3. The stalkers - those people who constantly are 2 steps behind you on the trail. My dogs are herders, people, they get anxious when anyone or anything walks behind them. Go around!
4. The loiterers - the people who mill around the entrance/exit gates for no apparent reason. Get the eff out of the way.
5. The jackholes - I classify anyone who brings an aggressive dog into the park in this category, particularly if they don't monitor their dog. I have seen some nasty dog fights.

You might wonder why I even go. As noted, mostly for the fresh air. Secondly, to help B2 and Cocoa be less skittish in public and around other people and dogs. B1 revolted the one time I took her to the dog park. She laid in the shade under a bench and looked at me as if to say, "You can walk around if you want. I will be here when you come back." B2 and Cocoa pretend to enjoy the opportunity to walk off leash, though they are always at my side. Lastly, I can be assured they will both crash for long naps when we get home.

You see, despite my annoyances, we get something out of it.


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