Snow-torious B.I.G.

There have been all kinds of terms being thrown around for today's blizzard:
  • Snow-prah Winfrey
  • Snow-nami
  • Snow-mageddon
  • Snow-pocalypse
  • Snow big or go home
  • Snow-verated
I like to just call it a hella lotta snow. Just ask Bailey...

This was at 10 p.m. It was still coming down pretty hard and was supposed to keep up through the night. Oy vey....we might have to shovel our way out at 5 a.m.

I guess, this time, the weatherman got it right.

Here are the things that bugged me about today's blizzard:
  • It's midnight and the scrolling messages on the TV are still telling that classes at the University of Iowa were canceled after 4:30.
  • KCRG news had an extended hour long newscast at 10 p.m. How many reporters do I need to see standing outside in the snow and how many interviews with snow plow drivers do I need to hear?
  • I hate people who drive those @%#$!#$ big F250 pickups with 4x4 emblazoned on the side. Hello jerk-off, you don't need to drive 45 miles down Mormon Trek. Your big ass truck isn't suddenly going to have magic brakes that allow you to stop on a dime in this snow.
  • Why all the hysteria about going to the grocery store?
  • My company never no reason to try and read all the cancellations on the screen. Well, I can work from home, so that's a good compromise.
I doubt the groundhog will see his shadow in the morning. Thank God....we don't need six more weeks of this:

In a completely unrelated topic, Cornell West is on Craig Ferguson. He is just amazing (Cornell...Craig, not so much).


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