Really Random Thoughts

I have writer's block. Well, maybe if I really fancied myself a writer, it would be accurate to say I'm suffering from this. Maybe it's more like blogger's block...fatigue, laziness, or my workload have nothing to do with it I'm sure. I made a personal vow to blog something today and was thinking all day about what to write. No here is a recap of my stream of consciousness today. Most days, I eat my lunch at my desk and my typical M.O. is to scan the Telegraph Herald online, the Dyersville Commercial online, and Sometimes, what I read makes me just shake my head.

'The Bodyguard' to get a more modern remake

Really? The Bodyguard? That movie just came out in 1992. C'mon Hollywood, you aren't even trying to come up with new material. Now, in addition to making sequels and prequels, we have to endure remakes of movies that are less than 20 years old...with a "modern" touch. What the heck does that mean? I thought pre-crack Whitney and post-Field of Dreams Kevin Costner were pretty modern in the original. This just makes me feel older than I usually do on an average day.

Baby dolphins washing up in Gulf

As I've written about in a previous blog, I love dolphins (the cute intelligent mammals and the best NFL team ever!). This breaks my heart. It's funny because my friend Katie was just in Pensacola, FL visiting relatives and posted on Facebook that there is still oil in the gulf, there are still tarballs on the beaches, and why isn't this being reported? According to the report, "Baby bottlenose dolphins are washing up dead in record numbers on the shores of Alabama and Mississippi, alarming scientists and a federal agency charged with monitoring the health of the Gulf of Mexico." I think we won't know the full effects of the New Horizon disaster in 2010 for many years.

Hot flashes don't hurt your heart, and may help

Finally, some good news! Praise Jesus...when I wake up in the middle of the night and feel like I'm melting from the inside out I can rest easy that I'm not wrecking my heart...any maybe even helping it. Who comes up with these studies?
'Bunny Ranch' Facing Ban?
"The owner of Nevada's famous 'Bunny Ranch' reacts to Sen. Harry Reid's effort to ban brothels. I saw "Cathouse" on HBO. Really, Harry, aren't there more important things for you to be focusing on in the Senate right now?
Arquette started drinking at age 4 and Charlie Sheen's Latest Rant

I'm sure if I would have looked a little harder there would have been a headline about Miley Cyrus being pissed at Billy Ray, Mel Gibson calling his baby momma a slut, and Lindsey Lohan in court, or on drugs or stealing a bracelet. Celebrities with all your fucked up bore me. I don't care about you. Stop making spectacles of yourselves. I'm sitting here eating a turkey sandwich and a hard-boiled egg at my desk, drinking a diet Dr. Pepper, and want to spend 15 minutes catching up on real world news...and you are cluttering it up with your bullshit.

Doctors report 17 dead in Libyan city of Zawiya

"The casualties were announced shortly after Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi accused followers of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden of brainwashing the youth of Zawiya with hallucinogenic drugs, resulting in the unrest." OK, Moammar Gadhafi, you are a freak, too. You, too, are cluttering up the news with your bullshit. Give it up, already.

So what? What is the deal? My little isolated little world that traverses mostly between Westside Drive and Oakdale Boulevard...seems pretty routine, typical, even downright boring. But, you know, I'm totally happy with that. There are days when I get all wound up with righteous indignation about human rights, equality, the BMI chart that claims I am obese, the price of gas, affordable health care, and incivility. But, I can just as easily tune it all out and be completely apathetic. Is that wrong? I think it's how I cope, because if I really let it get to me I fear I'd be a complete whack job.


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