
I'm already a day behind on the one thing I said I was going to do this year. One of my coworker's is an avid blogger, and I read on one of her posts a couple of months ago about her goal to complete a 365 blog, which meant she planned to take a photo and make a blog entry for every day of the year.

So, since 2011 is the year leading up to my next milestone birthday, I decided to try and do the same. Here it is 1-2-11. Well, suffice it to say that New Year's Eve and my niece Amanda's wedding had a little something to due with my excessive fatigue on New Year's Day.

This is my first look at daylight on Saturday, January 1, 2011, taken out the window from Room 433 at the Grand Harbor in Dubuque. I stumbled to the window and opened the curtains, thinking all the while "my head hurts...." 

This helps explain the hurting head - shots of Southern Comfort at midnight with Alex (the groom) and brother Jerry.

Here's to 2011 -- Cheers!!


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