What's Makes a Monday Morning Worse?

As if going back to work on a cold January morning from a weekend that went too quickly isn't dreadful enough, now I have to face this weather forecast: ...Major winter winter storm with heavy snow and blowing snow to impact the region tuesday afternoon into late wednesday afternoon... This will spread snow...Heavy at times...Along with strong winds and blowing across much of ...Iowa. Heavy snow accumulations are possible over the entire watch area. See what I'm saying? How can you be excited about something like this. I must say, however, that the upside to this winter has been that I am not responsible for shoveling snow! Woot!! After living in what came to be known as the "flood house" for nearly six years, I had forgotten this little hidden joy of condo living. Maybe I would anticipate a huge snow storm more if we got snow days at work. Those were the best days when we were kids. They were nearly always the most perfect days to hit the slopes at S...