Fitness Challenge Day 15 and Fat Tuesday

Mardi Gras! Fat Tuesday! Ummmm, yeah, nothing screams FAT like this photo of me. Oy vey. This pic was taken about 11-12 years ago at a company golf outing. I remember that it was ungodly hot that day, something like 105 and humid. (Hot...remember what that feels like? I've kind of forgotten this winter...but, I digress). 

I am pretty sure when this photo was taken I was at my fattest ever. I hate to admit that at the beginning of this year, I was actually close to that weight. I look awful, right? I am happy to report that since the first of the year (not just my "fitness challenge"), I have dropped 11.5 pounds. It's only scratching the surface, but keeping this picture posted on my mirror inspires me. 

I'm continuing my run/walk 5Ks and can report that this morning I completed the 5K in under 50 minutes. That's even 3+ minutes faster than I did in the real 5K I claimed to train for back in 2011. That was the last time I seriously tried to be a "runner." It's kind of weird, but I almost ... sort of ... have started looking forward to those morning 5Ks. I've temporarily abandoned the boot camp classes I was attending. I don't know if it's general old age or lack of physical shape, but my shoulders have been acting up lately, so I decided I needed to give them a respite from the boot camp classes. The way they have been feeling, I am worried that my water skiing career might also come to a premature end. 

Body - don't fail me now.


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