Recent Annoyances

We are a full eight months to the presidential election, and I have already had it up to here with the negative campaigning, political posturing, and name calling. The latest items to irk me:
  • Rick Santorum calls President Obama a "snob" for having the audacity to think that every American should be able to go to college.
  • Rush Limbaugh calls a Georgetown college student a slut and suggests she posts her sexual encounters on the Internet for everyone to watch simply because she expects that her health insurance should cover contraception.
  • Mitt Romney states he doesn't care about poor people.
  • A Congressional hearing to discuss whether contraceptives should be included in health care coverage does not include any women.
  • News reports circulate that Girl Scout cookie sales are funding abortions.
  • The Susan Komen Foundation pulls funding to Planned Parenthood then restores it after a huge backlash.
I could go on and on. It's insane. I like to think that I am a pretty average American, but I don't see myself represented in any of the candidates. Despite being a die hard Democrat, even President Obama bugs me most days.

I want someone to explain to me why:
  • They want to block insurance companies from covering contraceptives but no one has brought up that we should similarly block coverage for Viagra or Cialis.
  • They want less government yet they want to pass constitutional amendments to oppose same sex marriage and go back in time 40 years to overturn Roe v. Wade.
  • They don't want to consider any tax increases, yet want to offer additional tax credits for children. Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to children but that is a choice, too. I'm all for it if I can get a tax credit for my dog.
  • People are up in arms about increasing gas prices but no one wants to talk about how we have been spoiled for years, paying significantly lower prices than they do in Europe or Australia. If you have visited there, you will note that people aren't driving big gas guzzling pickups and SUVs.
OK, I'm done with my rant for now. I'm convinced being President is just an ego thing. All the candidates are full of hooey. They aren't perfect, they can't solve all the problems. I want them all to just go away.


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