Freshman Year + 30

The students moved back to Iowa City last week. As a full time resident, I admit that I relish the few weeks of summer when we are mostly student-less and the Ped Mall is filled with "old people" or young families on a Friday night. 

Thirty years ago, I was a wide-eyed, self-conscious freshman moving into Burge Hall. I have no idea how 30 years can go by so quickly. When I think about that first year of college -- it's frightening. As the first person in my family to go to college, I had no clue what to expect or any role models. 

Here are just a few of the revelations I had during my first year: 
  • I had no idea I had to *buy* my textbooks. I went through the first 10 days of classes without books, until I finally figured it out I had to go buy them. 
  • I thought Burge Hall was *so far* from downtown that I couldn't believe people expected me to walk that far every day. 
  • College was filled with the *smart kids* from every school. Suddenly, I didn't feel so smart anymore, and I realized that my high school wasn't that challenging. Or, maybe, I just didn't apply myself. Hmmm...
  • City girls (i.e., Chicago) were so much more sophisticated than us dumpy little farm girls.
  • Three girls in one small dorm room was, at times, painful. Especially when one of the girls had an older boyfriend. (He was 24, and creepy...what was he doing dating an 18 year old anyway?)
  • Every social situation was awkward. Well, jungle juice or cheap beer seemed to loosen them up a little bit. 

I would never want to go back to the angst of my freshman year, but my memories are not all bad. So, to the freshman class, and particularly the new inhabitants of 2328 Burge -- hang in there, it just gets better from here.  


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