
Showing posts from July, 2024

Feelings of Dread

 Admittedly, I haven't felt 'normal' lately. There are a ton of reasons that feed into that, but that's material for a whole other post. Today, I've been thinking about a conversation I had with one of my brothers a few weeks ago. We were having a general conversation about current events and the lackluster choice of voting for two old white men or a middle-aged white man who evidently claims to have a worm in his brain for president. My brother said that maybe he just won't vote. I said I didn't think that was the right answer...but I let it go.  But I can't.  It's been weighing on me ever since. I couldn't agree more that the three likely candidates for president do not excite me either; however, there is so much at stake for our country. As I thought about it, my 67-year old white brother--retired but working a part-time job to keep busy--really won't suffer any dramatically negative consequences regardless of who becomes president. He'