Dog Park

Besides my Bailey's and coffee, one of my other favorite Sunday morning rituals is a trip to the dog park. After the polar express or vortex or whatever it was we had earlier this week, it was good to get out for a little fresh air. The only thing I dislike about the dog park is the humans. I have certain "pet" peeves every time I go. 1. The crappers - the uncool people who don't pick up their dog's poop. 2. The talkers - the people who want to become your best friend because your dog is sniffing their dog. 3. The stalkers - those people who constantly are 2 steps behind you on the trail. My dogs are herders, people, they get anxious when anyone or anything walks behind them. Go around! 4. The loiterers - the people who mill around the entrance/exit gates for no apparent reason. Get the eff out of the way. 5. The jackholes - I classify anyone who brings an aggressive dog into the park in this category, particularly if they don't monitor their dog. I...